Monday, February 28, 2011

Day in the life of...

Since today is Monday and I'm having a huge case of "the Mondays" I thought I would share how my typical day goes.

5:15am- The alarm goes off. I don't even hear the alarm anymore since my husband controls it so I don't normal get up till it's been snoozed once or twice.
5:30am- Get out of bed. Since this is too late for me to do anything I shower and leave my hair wet. This is the only time I'm thankful for curly hair.
6:00am- Wake up Joanna and give her a bottle. I have no idea what we're going to do once we've weaned her from the bottle since there is NO time to eat breakfast.
6:20-6:35am- We need to be out the door. Closer to 6:20 on days my Mom watches Joanna and later on Daycare days.
7:40am- I finally arrive at work. If I haven't already put my make-up on in the car I do it first thing at my desk. I try and check my personal email and a few other things before it's time to start work. I also eat breakfast. Most of the time it's a bowl of cereal.
8am-5pm- My normal working hours. I'm lucky that my job is pretty relaxed. I'm also unlucky that my job is pretty relaxed because I spent about 50% of this time thinking about being at home with Joanna. I dying to figure out a way to make the same amount of money and stay home with her. If anyone knows of anything please let me know.
5-5:20pm- Is spent waiting for the hubs to come pick me up since we carpool.
5:20-6pm- Picking up Joanna. Since we tend to be social butterflies we can't just run in pick up Joanna and go. We have to spend an average of 30 minutes chatting it up with either my Mom or school teachers.
6:45-7pm- We finally arrive home.
7-7:30pm- Prepping for Joanna going to bed. Some nights are bath nights. Some nights are just jammies and quiet play.
7:30-8pm- Joanna bottle and bed. We have such a good bed time baby. She drinks her bottle while we cuddle on the couch then up to her room were she just lays down and goes to sleep. If she cries I know something is wrong because she never cries at bed time.
8pm- I find/prepare something for us to eat for dinner and we spend about an hour unwinding with our dinner in front of the t.v.
9-10pm- We spend this hour doing things for the next day. Well the hubs is usually doing dishes while I'm chopping food for Joanna and packing our lunches. If this doesn't get done at night I'm up at 5am doing it so we would rather do it at night.

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