Thursday, March 3, 2011

Separation and Biting

My poor Joanna has been having a hard time at daycare lately. This kind of thing is what makes working outside the home really hard for a momma. I have been feeling guilty everyday for the past 3 weeks leaving her at school. With no end in sight for me being able to leave my job and stay home, I'm trying super hard not to melt down about Joanna's struggles. I miss her a ton! I'm always thinking about the time I will never get back with her but I also think about how nice it will be for her future to have financially secure parents. I pray that a few years of sacrifice will pay off big time in the end. I also do enjoy working.

Any who back to Joanna and school. It started about 3 weeks ago when Joanna's school closed. They company that owns the school decided not to re-new the lease on the building. Joanna's whole school (teacher and all) packed up and moved into a sister school. One week after the move into the new building they started to transition her into the toddler room. She hates it! She doesn't know the teacher since it's not one of the teachers from her original school. They don't nap in cribs and they eat at little tables. I mean that is a lot of changes for a 12 month old. During that same week my Grandma passed away and things got really hectic. The weekend of the funeral was really hard on Joanna. There was a lot of driving around so her getting in and out of the car numerous times (she has never really liked the car anyways.) Plus all the people she was around and no nap or eating schedule. She barely napped or ate for 3 days. Things just got worst from this point. She got a double ear infection and was having some fevers. She was totally not herself and all she wanted was for me to hold her. I think all of this has triggered separation anxiety. She now cries every time we leave her. Even at my Moms house.

Top all this stuff off with Joanna getting bit yesterday and you have one sad momma leaving her baby to be watched by others. This whole parenting thing is super hard!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor Joanna! I'm so sorry Julie. I wish I had parenting advice, but I'm not quite there yet. The only thing I can offer is to just hold her when you see her, comfort her, and know that this too, shall pass. I think many babies go through this stage. It's part of learning to be independent. But just as long as she knows she'll always get to run to you for comfort, I think everything will be OK. :-)
