Thursday, March 10, 2011

List Making

I’ve been focusing a lot of my energy this week on Meal Planning and List Making. I get this way when I start to feel like I don’t have enough control of my life. This time I feel like I’m actually making some real progress on my Meal Plan. I want to make this meal plan work so badly. I’m the only cook in the house and I’m sure most of you know how that goes... The hubs can make some scrambled eggs and box Mac & cheese but that’s about as far as it goes. I get to like day three of cooking and want to go out to eat but with the new budget going out to eat needs to be few and far between. I want to focus more on healthier meals and less wasteful buying at the grocery store. The grocery list will reflect exactly what’s on the meal plan plus whatever paper good and toiletries. THAT’S IT! Nothing more nothing less. I have this huge fear for some reason about not having enough food in the house so I tend to always pick up extra stuff “just incase” incase what? Does anyone else have this ridiculous fear? Like I won’t be able to run out to the Fresh and Easy across the street if we run out of food. SILLY

I’m also working on a list of goals for 2011. Some are personal goals and some are family goals. Again I feel like a chicken with its head cut off when I don’t have a path to follow. I hate the feeling of being in limbo. We don’t plan on having another baby for awhile so I need to focus my energy else where. I feel the baby itch coming on already. This list has most of your basics loss weight, exercise, get life insurance, and write a will. You know the stuff normal people think about on a daily basis. When did I turn into this crazy list making, ultra planning, freak person! It’s like if I don’t have something to work on I’m totally lost. I’m like this at work too. I have a daily plan that I follow. I have check list for almost everything and when something gets thrown off it’s like I don’t even know how to do my job. The bottom line is I love my lists and even if I don’t look at them again after I write them I feel more able to attack my life. I guess it's kind of a tool to organize my thoughts.

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